Travel experience

Nypa Style Resort Camiguin, white sand island, ecotourism resort, White island Camiguin, resort induce sense of serenity and tranquility

For all of us, the travel experience is a knowledge that we acquire by living and experiencing it personally on our skin.


Who among us remembers the first time: the feeling of the finest white sand beneath our feet, swimming in the water of the river, under a waterfall hidden between the walls of volcanoes, savor a new fruit or try a new dish that leaves us delighted by its taste, the sight of a sunset in the colors that only an impressionist artist can reproduce on canvas.


A new experience that will remain in our memory, perhaps for a short time, like the flapping of a butterfly's wings or that will accompany us over the years as a faithful friend.


An experience to try, to remember, to narrate, to try again.

What was your last best travel experience? Leave a comment on your last best travel experience.

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